
What are you reading?

Marie Antoinette had her own library.

I can’t imagine a better dream, an enormous wardrobe and a modest library of over 2000 titles. Sure she did not spend hours a day pouring over the shelved books, instead she would have the ones she wanted pulled and brought down for her. That would be nice. In the mean time I do my own pulling, and I have added some features to the blog that focus on, you guessed it, books!

If you take a look to your lower left, you will see a Light Reading section. I picked out some of my currently favorite books (and some that look and sound too fab not to have) that you might be interested in. It is called Light Reading because they are perfect for reading before you fall asleep, or if you are just curling up with a book on a rainy (or frosty) weekend! And to our lower right is the Bookshelf. The bookshelf will feature select books that are a staple on my bookshelf.

Let me know if you have any questions or recommendations for me, because even though I should not be getting more books –my to-read list is pretty big- I am always looking.


  1. I would include The Queen's Necklace by Frances Mossiker,which I'm in the midst of reading right now. It's taken from all the memoirs of all the participants in the Affair of the Necklace which I'm posting on my birthday, on Sunday.

  2. I'm currently reading Marie Antoinette and the Last Garden at Versailles. It's a lovely book and covers her building projects at Trianon, as well as the changes she made to the gardens. I should mention, though, that a lot of the photos are b&w. Many are of interiors the public doesn't have access to, as well as the Grotto, Belvedere, etc. It also covers the dilapidation of the post-Revolutionary era and the recent restoration. I can only hope that the Trianon itself will get the fabulous new book it deserves, now that the work is completed.

  3. Elizabeth, that book does sound wonderful, do you find that it focuses on one memoir more than others?

    Polonaise the Last Garden is coming up quickly in my 'to read' line up! I have to find it in a library though because the prices for it are so steep! So that is challenge #1.

    I bet that a fab Trianon book is in the works especially with all the restoration they just did. Actually I am surprised one was not out with the opening...or was there???

  4. I was at Versailles this past summer and found not one book on the Trianon. Not even in French! (I'm still in shock.) I bought the guide book, but it had been printed before all the work. I'm chomping at the bit :)

  5. Well! I think you know what you have to do....
    Start writing and researching! You can be first to have a fabulous Trianon book out, and I can guarantee you several buyers ;o) We are all waiting!

  6. Haha!! If I could compose a lucid sentence I might try. Of course, it would mean a lot of travel....oh! the sacrifices!
