
On eBay Today: Hot Air Balloons!

Today I decided to see what the most expensive item for sale on good old eBay was -that referenced Marie Antoinette of course.

For sale is a framed work of art from the 18th century. A painting to commemorate the first hot air balloon flight that crossed the English Channel. This particular piece was presented to Antoinette on 16 June 1785. And now you can own it and have it in your own living room for the low price of $200,000.00. I am sure it hung near the mantle(s) at Versailles for years!


  1. Not to be a downer, but I am surprise that it was not destroyed in the terror. I am surprise that alot of paintings survived that time period.

    I am not sure where I would put it: above my fireplace or above my bed. Oh to win the lottery...

  2. Yup, I know what you mean! A listing like that should have posted some sort of authentication notice.... but hurrah for them having the most expensive item!!
    It would go in my hallway, I don't know why.... :o)

  3. Anonymous5:15 AM

    I love old hot air balloons, but it's a strange place to sell such an item! If it's authentic I think it should be in a more "reliable" auction site :-P

  4. Yes exactly! At least do an "eBay Live Auctioneers" auction, or call up Christies, they usually do a good job with sales !

  5. Anonymous5:22 PM

    I regret to say it looks like a poorly constructed forgery to me (apart from the childlike watercolor drawing and suspiciously preserved colors, there is the question of the renaissance initial, the unfashionable handwriting and the cheapest frame). And even if it was an original, I doubt it would be worth 200.000 $.

  6. no need to regret saying anything!! It was the work's dubious nature that prompted me to share!

    ;o) least if you are unsatisfied they give you 7 working days to return it!

  7. Lauren, I started following Gossip of The Duchess of Devonshire, but I seem not to be able to get a feed to my blog. Do you know if there is a problem? Or is it just my account. Yikes.

  8. I saw that too on eBay!!! Can you just imagine what our dear MA's thoughts were when she saw the first balloon ride over Versailles??? What magic! I hope you'll come see the Marie Antoinette Jeweled Christmas Tree I created on my blog. I think you need to create one for your house! ~ xoxo Joy

  9. vickie - I am looking into it!! Try again and keep me updated! feel free to send an email my way-

    Joy- I love your tree!!
