
Picture Hat a la 2008: A Hat for Spring

Little known fact: Heather and I have been known to dabble in the art of hat making ourselves. That is why when I came across this pretty pink piece, I just could not resist posting it!

This hat is called The Duchess because it is a creation inspired by Georgiana's picture hat. It is certainly something you might want to have for the 2009 race season or just for wearing to a promenade with your girl friends.

It is for sale at Vienna La Rouge's Etsy shop, which can be found here. Have you ever dabbled in the dangerous world of haberdashery??? I would love to see your recreation hats!


  1. I have dabbled a bit, but I plan to dabble a lot next year. Gainsburough hat here I come!

  2. Oh you must! and when you do there better be pictures... Heather has some good advice on working with feathers for a Gainsborough hat!

  3. honestly if i looked even remotely hot in a hat...i'd check it out...but i don't and so i wont :(

    but for you???? simply stunning!

  4. You got to have the look to pull off a hat like that and I, sadly, do not. I look funny in any hat. But, I am looking anyway, use as decoration? Christmas is coming and I am hoping for a little spending money. He He.

  5. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Hello Lauren - I've just discovered your wonderful blog! I've dabbled just a bit in the world of haberdashery. My very first efforts are the very first post of my blog. On my sidebar click on JUNE and scroll down to the bottom of the page. You can click on the photo for a very close view. Hope you enjoy them. I would love to add you to my blogroll, if you don't mind. Will visit you often. So glad to have found you!
    Catherine of 'A Thousand Clapping Hands'

  6. Anonymous8:50 AM

    So decadent! I am awarding you with a Marie blog award please come by and pick up!Thank you for your inspiring blog!

  7. Thanks so much for such a nice mention of my work! Over the coming months, I hope to get back to the millinery. I've just moved from Seattle to Northern California, so things have been a bit too hectic for me to do a lot of sewing/millinery.
    Stay tuned to my Etsy page though, there will be more lovely items soon!
    ~Mme LaRouge
