
Who needs a Fountain of Youth?

It is important to take care of your skin, a beauty trick Marie Antoinette paid attention to! When she first entered the lines of France everyone noticed, remarked - raved about her complexion. She was young, vibrant and full of excitement only a 14 year old queen to be could feel.

What did they say? The whiteness, almost translucent quality of her skin was equivalent only to the delicate petals of lilies. This was the base of her complexion, and it was highlighted by the red and pink hues which could only be produced by roses. Pretty? Sure! Poetic? Very!
What more could you want of an Austrian Queen of France? For beauty she had it all! Skin made of Austrian roses and French lilies of course!

Now don't think that Antoinette went around eating chocolate and ruining her complexion to a life of petty leisure. Au contraire! She did like her skin, and she was raised to lead a life of cleanliness. Let's face it. She intended to keep 20-year-old skin for as long as she could.

Antoinette used eau cosmétique de pigeon (that sounds lovely right?) and eau de charmes to clean her skin, the later was special because it contained moisturizers.

For her hands she had a Pâte Royale cream, keeping them super soft to the touch. I am sure you use the same!

Another item on her bathroom sink* was eau d'ange. This water of angels was used to "purify and whiten" her complexion. Did it work? It probably did not hurt, and was not meant to dry out her skin. A little moisture can go a long way!

Other ladies of the court were known to purchase eau de Ninon de Lenclos, but not Antoinette! She really had no need for an item that was intended to, "conserve youth."

*found the bath-bombs and carved slices of soap in the images @ Lush


  1. I wished I had her skin. If I knew then what I know now.

  2. Anonymous11:46 AM

    I was very lucky and inherited my dad's fabulous skin. And speaking of pale complexions, I just received my powder today!! Thanks so much, it smells divine!

  3. Beautifully written. I loved the film and Dunst as MA.
