
Exhibition: Court Pomp & Royal Ceremony

Only at Versailles: Court Pomp!

This fabulous show is one not to be missed. Living up to it's name, this exhibition is to feature the major styles that affected court fashion. Dresses, jackets, jewels, shoes, skirts, hats... it will cover the years spanning 1650-1800 , and feature major trends from not only the court of France, but Europe's other fashionable courts as well.

Court Pomp & Royal Ceremony aims to show not only how court fashion evolved but how it effected ceremonies, rituals, and everyday dress. The fashion exhibited by the French Court really led the way for other European courts, and this will be evident as well.  Included in the exhibition is the crown worn by Louis XV at his coronation ceremony in 1722.  After the ceremony all the precious stones were removed and replaced with copies.
"The costumes exhibited here evoke not only the exceptional circumstances accompanying the beginnings of national monarchy and the lives of European monarchs and courtiers (coronations and ceremonies of orders of chivalry) but also the prestigious events held at all courts, such as weddings." Versailles Website
The show is only going to be assembled for a short time at Versailles. What will you find? An impressive display of over 200 pieces for you to spend an afternoon drooling and dreaming over! Many of the pieces will be on display for the first time out of their home country, and others are only on view this one time as they have been graciously lent by private owners! The show sadly will only be on view for 12 short weeks, so pencil in on your calendar to stop by the Palace of Versailles and check out this show!

Court Pomp & Royal
Ceremony, Palace of Versailles
31 March 2009 - 28 June 2009


  1. I wish I lived in France! This exhibition looks positively scrumptious and sumptuous!

  2. Anonymous5:28 AM

    Oh I'm so happy right now! I will visit the castle during the exhibiton! I have taken several courses at the university of Stockholm in court ceremonies and how to legitimate power through ceremonies and things like that! It's a very interesting subject!

  3. Those classes sound so interesting! Perfect timing that you will be in Paris for the exhibition, I'm so jealous!

  4. Wish I could pop in...actually I wish I could move in. This exhibition sounds so amazing.

  5. Oh I just received my new passport in the mail. I so want to go!

  6. The Marie Anoinette dress from the Royal Ontario Museum (photos of which are on my blog in October/November 2008 and February 2009) will be at this exhibition.
    I'll also be seeing the show when I'm in Paris in May and will post photos (if I'm allowed to take any).

  7. I wish I could go, that sounds like an amazing show.

  8. Anonymous8:47 PM

    How fun! Now I wish that the Quebequois branch of my family had never left France!

  9. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Yeah, im going there in May and can hardly wait! Historical robes du cour at Versailles, it really can not get any better!

  10. You said it, Tinka! I'm still reeling from taxes, but my evil genius is planning a trip and I can't stop her. May in Paris is so beautiful!

  11. I just have to say that I am very jealous of all of you who are making it to this show!

    I am sure it will be fab and you will enjoy it! Bring your reports back here for the rest of us!!
