
Growing Up Du Barry: Scandal!

Before she was swiped up by Louis XV, Jeanne Du Barry had several jobs and worked for her money. One of her jobs was the femme de chambre to the widow La Garde. Madame La Garde was married to a farmer who had recently passed. She had two sons and a modest home located just outside of Paris.

Both the sons ended up falling in love with the beautiful young Jeanne when she moved into the house. She was a temptress and trotted around knowing just what she was doing. The brothers fought tirelessly and violently over her, think "Boyfights". Finally the poor widow, already heart broken over the loss of her husband, had to force Jeanne to leave her house, in the hope that peace would be restored once again in her life.

True the widow La Garde had two sons. But at the time of Jeanne's employment with her they were both older and married. They had respectable public jobs and lived on their own estates. So in fact, the story of the love triangle woven by the temptress little Jeanne is fabricated! Isn't Scandal fun!?


  1. How interesting! I suppose gossip and scandal are as old as time...Makes me think that today's tabloids have an old precedent.

  2. It still causes me to go hmmm. I imagine that a older married man could still fall in love with a young temptress. :)

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  4. I suppose it could have some element of truth to it anyway. Even if it doesn't, it still isn't the most unflattering story!
