
So you like Fragonard?

I don't blame you!

If you are interested in learning about the group of works he painted for Madame du Barry, now known as The Progress of Love, then you are in luck!

The fabulous Frick Collection is hosting an education seminar, Monday May 4, from 2-3:30pm. The seminar will discuss the pieces, including the reason for their commission, the intended positioning, and the subjects themselves. You will get to see the works up close in their lovely Fragonard Room, and participate in discussion. The price is $100 per person, and you can register now!

If you can not make it to New York City for the education seminar, do not worry! You are more than welcome to visit the Gossip Guide, as we are halfway through our exploration of the Progress of Love! So you can follow along from the comfort of your own home!

Read the first two installments here, and feel free to discuss the works! The 3rd and 4th installments will be here shortly!

1) The Progress of Love: The Pursuit
2) The Progress of Love: The Meeting


  1. I wish I could make it--sounds fabulous!

  2. Yes! Any event the Frick puts on always makes me sad if I can't go! There is always next time though! :o)

  3. Boo, and for once I actually have the funds to go. But no, I have to take final exams instead. Stupid college education.

  4. Oh Katy you are kidding! What are the chances!!

  5. I wish I could make that!

  6. @YSLGuy- I know how you feel!

    I wonder if any of you will end up going! Let me know I would love to hear about it!

  7. How ironic, right in the middle of your discussion of them!
