
July Love Bugs

In the summer of 1774 Antoinette and Louis were often found together, outdoors, talking, walking and hanging out. Antoinette was recently in receipt of the Petit Trianon, a place she wanted "to do just what I like in it."

That summer the couple enjoyed, with a bit more freedom, the relaxing pleasures of an ideal rural lifestyle. When it was warm and breezy they would be found wandering through the terraces at Versailles and all the while arm in arm.

They would sit out of doors in soft grass together, yes, Marie and Louis! They loved this stuff! There they would talk about things...from whatever Marie wanted to talk about I'm sure, but also about France and political work. I imagine being away from the desk and outside in a beautiful area is rather good grounds for gaining a fresh perspective on work at hand. Sometimes they would eat strawberries with cream and talked about building a dairy near by!


  1. It is so fun to think of them sitting in the grass, eating strawberries and cream! I am so jealous! I wish we had a lawn to sit on (*sigh*)!


  2. Aaahhhhh, must have been nice :)

  3. I love these two! There's been way too much bad rap on them. They actually loved eachother so much- strong relationship despite the gossip and hatred of others. Beautiful post and photo:) Thanks Lauren:)

  4. Well he was French, after all. Non?

  5. It's refreshing to think of them in happy times. Thanks for the reminder.

  6. Anonymous10:00 PM

    Wouldn't it be fun to dress up in 18th century fashions and stroll about that would be a dream come true for me!

  7. Interesting. I just recently became obsessed with Marie Antoinette and am starting to read more about her life, so finding this blog is a delight! I have to say, her relationship with her husband is fascinating. And I hate that I'm going to sound like a research professor but... may I please have the information regarding your source material for this post? It'd be a good addition to my reading list! ❤
