
Feather Fashion

Inspired by Heathers fun Yay or Nay posts I have to ask you all something here!

Georgiana was notorious for beginning fashion trends. One of these was the introduction of the large ostrich feather. She would drape 3 foot feathers over her hair, they added bounce, height and style to the up-do's.

Antoinette also jumped on the feather train, wearing similarly tall plumes atop her head. The look caught on and soon enough a fashionable crowd would appear to be merely a sea of feathers bobbing up and down.

It looks like some designers are dipping into the possibility of bringing feathers back en vogue. Check out this feather design from Bebe. What do you say to this? Yay or nay? Should feathers come back?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I adore an absolute Yay for me:) I've been waiting forever for this!! But not in a skirt...

  3. Yuck! I love feathers, but there is something just wrong about that skirt.

  4. I am biased because my name rhymes with it so I think I've always had an affinity for feather anything. The fact that Georgiana had a thing for feathers too puts me at further susceptibility.

  5. I adore feathers and pink, but I still have to say nay to this. It just seems wrong as a skirt. And I'm thinking what happens in a mild breeze? Let alone a gust of wind. Hello!

  6. It kind of looks like a grass skirt but with feathers....maybe if you're in need of air conditioning? I do, however like color of the skirt, and I love the shoes, lol :)

  7. @Polonaise: I believe the skirt is actually draft-proof, lined with silk. Would a duchess approve???

  8. Haha Poloniase, that's just what I was thinking!

    I'd say nay to this skirt too. It reminds me of a flapper skirt--but cheap. However I'm not totally opposed to feathers. Feathers were supposed to be "back" a few years ago. I remember Vogue did a spread with Sienna Miller wearing a red feather gown.

  9. I am a feather addict, I must admit. For this year's Halloween costume, I'm making a feather-covered 1795 open robe. That's a lot of feathers! I think it's awesome to see them coming back into style, though I agree with some of the other posts- sometimes they can look fabulously luxe, and other times really cheap and cheesy.

  10. Feathers are great, but not in that miniskirt.

  11. Nay! Love the colour, love the feathers, but it looks like a hooker's idea of dressing "classy".

  12. I wonder how many people are buying this item! (aside from Heather) :o)
