
Rococo and Revolution

Rococo and Revolution: Eighteenth-Century French Drawings
October 2, 2009, through January 3, 2010

If you happen to be in NYC between October and January, you will have to make a stop at the Morgan Library & Museum to see their fabulous show of French drawings. They will have works from artists such as Boucher, Fragonard and David. Here is a short description from their website:

"Rococo and Revolution: Eighteenth-Century French Drawings features more than eighty exceptional drawings almost exclusively from the Morgan's renowned holdings. The efflorescence of the ancien régime and its eventual downfall provide the backdrop to a century of remarkable artistic vitality and variety that subtly chronicles the many changes taking place in eighteenth-century France. Artists represented in the exhibition include Antoine Watteau, Jacques-Louis David, François Boucher, Jean-Honoré Fragonard, Claude Gillot, Nicolas Lancret, Hubert Robert, Pierre-Paul Prud'hon, Anne-Louis Girodet, and Pierre-Narcisse Guérin, among others."

There is not a better way to immerse yourself with the 18th century than to wander through a wonderful exhibition, surrounded by items that saw a different time. Heather and I will be there this fall and of course will report back, but I strongly suggest you make time in those 3 months to check it out in person! If you make it be sure to let me know what you thought!

*Fragonard, Landscape with Flocks and Trees


  1. Thanks for the heads-up:)

  2. Sounds like it'll be a great exhibit!

  3. Some of my favorites! I will definitely be going to this, thanks so much for mentioning it.

  4. I love the Morgan Library. Worth hieing up to NYC for the weekend.
