
Art du Jour! Costume Study

Costume Study by Watteau, in ink.

I love this one because, aside from the pretty and simple garment, the wearer really looks like she has something to say, or to laugh about.  Pointing her fan gives her character! I imagine I might walk around pointing my fan in a similar fashion!


  1. Anonymous3:26 AM

    are you sure that's Watteau, sweetie? By the look of it he must've been dead more than 60 years when that was made...

  2. This has to be by "the other" Watteau, Francois Louis Joseph Watteau! He's a wonderful artist and I hadn't seen this drawing before. I love it!

  3. This study is indeed done by François Louis Joseph Watteau.

    The Clark Art Institute owns the drawing and it is in their Prints, Drawings and Photographs collection.

    Other information regarding the piece:
    It was done with brush, inks & pencil on paper. He used gray and reddish-brown inks over the pencil.
    Size: (11 15/16 x 8 1/2 in)

    It is really quite lovely!

  4. Yes "the other" Watteau really is an excellent artist and I always enjoy seeing 3/4 or back views of dress. This drawing is extra lovely.

    Though I don't think I would stop at merely pointing my fan. I'd be jabbing people with it, prodding, whapping....

  5. Looks like the other, other Watteau is getting a littel mainstream press, Lauren. Here is the link:

  6. how excellent! Tell me, Mr. Miller, are you on twitter?

  7. No twitter, m'dear. I'm too long winded to pull that off. Why do you ask?

  8. Ah, I just did an article about The Language of the Fan, and I our ladi in this sweet little watercolor could be saying "Do You Love Me?" or "Do not be so imprudent." Then again, she could just pointing with it, lol!

  9. @American Duchess - How interesting!! I like both of those options but I can see by the slidght smile on her face it might be a "Do not be some imprudent *snicker* "

    Or just poking... :o)

  10. @Paul Miller
    Asked about the twitter because I would be sure to follow you on there. Your tweets would be entertaining I am sure!
