
Jeanne-Antoinette: interior designer of sorts

Spring of 1746 found Jeanne-Antoinette Poisson pregnant, and her lover, Louis XV on his way out of town for a  campaign.  For a relaxing and restful spring, Madame du Pompadour was set up at the château de Crécy.  The property she had always liked, it was a bit in the country, and not quite to Louis' taste ...yet.   But to make sure she was both content and comfortable (the country would be nice while in her condition) he made the purchase, for the low price of 650,000 livres.

Once settled in, resting was not her first priority.  She jumped on the chance to put the ideas and designs she had schemed for the château in action.  The renovations took about two years to complete, altering entire wings of the chateau.  She even had the gardens redone!

Once it was completed she was able to entertain the entire court at the château.  Theatre productions were put on and, of course, there were many nights spent gambling.  Louis continued to visit the chateau and even in his later years would visit for the hunting grounds it provided. 

She would spend a great part of her finances on buildings and decorating but Crécy was her first big project.  She even had the gardens redone!

Surprise! Giveaway!
If you are interested in learning more about Madame de Pompadour, or you are just in need of a good biography this month, enter to win a copy of:

Madame de Pompadour: Mistress of France

The give away begins today, and will end in ten days, closing Friday October 30th.
To enter, leave a comment on this post saying anything you would like about the infamous Mistress!
*additional entry*
If you send me a direct message on Twitter I will count that entry in addition to your comment here! (+2)

I will post the winner Saturday October 31st, good luck!


  1. i am loving all the info u give on this blog. enter me in the Madame de Pompadour: Mistress of France contest. my daughter and i are so intriqued with this era, that anything and everything MA inspired, is something we enjoy together! thanks for the updates!!!

  2. How fascinating! I would love to be in the Canadians get the ability to enter? I always thought it ridiculous that she had wine glasses molded to her breasts...seriously, why would anyone do that??

  3. Everyone can enter the give away! :)

  4. Count me n - now I am remembering
    a tour of Versailles. A blue haze
    of memory.

  5. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Thanks for making it open to Canadians :)

    I need to ask Madame de Pompadour where she gets her clothes made. In all her pictures, she is wearing the most fabulous gowns!

    martinack_75 AT hotmail DOT com

  6. I'd like you to enter me in the contest too, with greetings from Sweden!
    Best wishes,

  7. I adore Madame de Pompadour. I would love to enter to win this book.

  8. Mme de Pompadour was painted by Francois Boucher in one incredible green and pink dress.

  9. Great post! I love hearing about Mme de Pompadour in addition to Marie Antoinette!
    I wrote a huge paper in grad school on Marie Leszczinska and her struggle against the allure of Mme de Pompadour--two very interesting women! Say what you will about Mme de Pompadour's morals, but she was a great patroness of the arts.
    Please count me in for the giveaway!

  10. Madame P was such an interesting woman. Can you even imagine a king who dressed as a yew tree? Maybe it loses something in the translation, as it were.

    I have one small book on her patronage/collecting called Images of a Mistress, which I recommend. And I love those earlier Boucher pastels of her. A lady with real style, to be sure.

  11. I once used this book as a secondary source for a graduate school project, but sadly do not own it. What an intriguing woman she was, and remains! Please post a follow-up about what happened to that pregnancy, and maybe about her daughter, Alexandrine. Pretty please?

  12. I love Madame Pompadour! She had beauty, brains, and fabulous style.

  13. I read about this book, and I added it to my wish list. So I would love to be entered into the drawing.

  14. This is my favorite portrait of her--some day I'll have this dress.

  15. Oooh, Lauren, this book sounds wonderful. I find Mme. de Pompadour endlessly fascinating and the book will provide perfect research for my future nonfiction book, tentatively titled MORE ROYAL SCANDALS: A DEMI-MILLENIUM OF CONTINENTAL CANOODLING.

    Please enter me!!

  16. I've always been most interested to learn about her. And the paintings of her are so beautiful! Enter me, please!

  17. Exciting! Enter me please! There's a movie about her called Jeanne Poisson, Marquise de Pompadour, but it's in French, which I can't speak/understand. Too bad b/c it looks really good!!

  18. I want to go to her fortune teller!

  19. Loved this story. Thanks!

  20. Seems to be a very interesting book!

    Looking at Madame de Pompadour's portraits always reminded me of my grandma. I swear they have a lot in common!

  21. Oh my, not omnly your blog is amazing but there's this fantastic giveaway? I Love ompadour almost as much as I love Antoinette herself.

  22. Please enter me into the contest! Madame de Pompadour is my favourite Maîtresse en tête. She had such dignity & fabulous taste.

  23. I am most intrigued about her now, I had to google her after reading this post!
    She seemed very wise, and beautiful.
    I adore that green and pink gown.
    I had never heard of Pompadour style shoes before.

    What's this about wine glasses?!

  24. Very interesting lady and I would love to learn more about her! I wonder how her husband felt when Louis began courting her, who installed her in an apartment near Louis'. I do love how her portraits include fabulous dresses and her holding a book.
    Please enter me in the giveaway!
    marieburton2004 at yahoo dot com

  25. I love Marie Antoinette!
    I read that she, Madame de Pompadour and the Duchess of Devonshire were friends! That is so amazing! Oh I love history blogs!

  26. wow, what a great surprise giveaway, is this open for worldwide?
    I'd love to read more on Madame du Pompadour, she has an exciting story and lifestyle that would make any women jealous, especially women of her time.

  27. Do you know, I think Madame de Pompadour would be the perfect modern businesswoman! :D
    Thanks for hosting the contest!
    -Laura (
