
What will you be wearing?

I am searching for a costume très last-minute, I know, I know... I just don't know where the time has gone.

I must encourage you to leave your costume ideas (current or old), descriptions and images if you have any, on this post.  Everyone has great ideas, and there are plenty of 18th century creations being discussed!!  Let's hear what you are /want to do!

If you have any ideas for me, do let me know! *runs to closet*

Allie @ Hist-Fic Chick has just posted a very fabulous post on some How-To make up tutorials: Cleopatra & Marie Antoinette.  Anyone intersted in being an 18th century vamp or Egyptian temptress must check it out!

Let this be a forum for 18th c. costume & hair TIPS & TRICKS. Share your tricks and leave your tips.  Do not forget to ask us any questions you have encountered!!


  1. Lauren, if you decide to go as the Queen of Fashion MA herself, you could always use one of these fab Marie Antoinette themed makeup items! Thought you might enjoy this--I squealed with delight when I first saw these items in Sephora :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. One might have to have three friends to do this, -and simply dress up as the three furies! One could eiter do a more classic look or more of an s & m look, black bodystockings with saggy tits, bat's wings, snakes in hair and for armlets, claws, whips and daggers...that's what i'd do anyway...if there were three of me and we were in the usa.

  4. @allie *slowly pulls out credit card* oh my goodness........(thanks for this tip, and thank goodness I haven't bought make up in a while. It is a justified purchase!)

    @Lady Neferankh- I love it! a 2 hour costume and it sounds fab! Of course it is helpful to have 'working woman's stays' laying around the house :o)

    @Tutta- that is a great idea! In fact I never thought of that before, would need to find some snakes for sure! I bet I could talk Heather into this too (she would play the role well) :o haha jk heather

  5. I think you should do the complete MA make-up, including hair, but then wear a flesh toned body-stocking with a huge Austrian flag draped over your body. You can tell people it was MA's obscure but controversial Vogue cover. Paint the words 'traitor' and "tramp" on your forehead, too, as if a stamp, but with old-time script. This would so rock and encourage dialogues that would educate people about Marie's background and issues.

  6. Antoinette's Vogue cover....what an excellent idea...

  7. At your service, mademoiselle....

  8. I'm having a Marie Antoinette gown made to my measurements, but I don't think it will arrive in time for Halloween. My main intention is to use it for fun promotional events for NOTORIOUS ROYAL MARRIAGES, which comes out the first week in January. So it looks like I'll go as Kathryn Howard, since I'm short, curvy, and redheaded. I'll be wearing a very cool Tudor costume that I bought at the NY Renaissance Faire some years ago. The overdress is a very autumnal brocade and weighs a ton. I have a gold mesh Juliet cap and a long curly red wig (which reminds me; I need to find a wig brush from someplace).

    I guess my makeup will be fairly simple. They didn't overdo it in Henry VIII's day.

    Maybe I should accessorize with a red ribbon around my neck as a metaphor for decapitation. Lauren, I'm sure you know this, but after the Revolution, the aristos who managed to survive the Terror would host victims' balls (or were they called survivors' balls?) where they'd wear a red ribbon around their necks like a choker and greet one another with a curt nod of the head, as if to mimic a chop of the guillotine blade.

  9. You've been awarded The Kreativ Blogger Award, given by American Duchess! Click the link to get your award, and thanks for keeping a perfectly lovely blog :-)

  10. @Leslie Carroll - When you get your gown will you share pictures? It sounds fabulous, and I just love the idea that you will be wearing it to promotions. In fact, I made myself a gown (mind you I am no seamstress) but it came out well enough. Perhaps I shall venture to your promotion, in my garb, and we can chit-chat and gossip about royal marriages :o)

    @Lauren Reeser- I just saw the award on your blog, thank you!!!

  11. My Rennaisance noblewoman dress fits again. It didn't fit the last two years, so I must have lost weight.

    This was the dress in 2004:

  12. finally, what were you wearing?

  13. @Tutta I was Soiree Barbie! hahaha I out did myself last year as the Comtesse de Vache :p
