
Happy Birthday Lady!

Happy Birthday Antoinette! (254 yrs!)

In the spirit of birthdays and gift-giving, one commenter on this post will win a cute handmade Marie Antoinette Bookmark from the lovely Etsy shop, Joli Papier

"Beautiful Marie Antoinette bookmark. I've digitally collaged an image of Marie on a lacey background, added a few flourishes and some pink roses. Bookmark measures 2 1/4" by 6 3/4"."

Everyone is eligible!

**Thank you for entering This give away has ended but look out for more giveaways soon!**
I also wanted to say thanks for all the spirited entries! I can't tell you how many times these comments make me laugh out loud in the most inappropriate places, such as...incredibly quiet libraries! Oh the shame..... 



  1. Ooo I could always use a bookmark you know ;)

  2. With the amount of books on your 'To Read' list, I completely agree!

  3. I'm in a severe need of more bookmarks so I'd love to win this!

  4. Ah, oui, oui! J'espere que je gagnerai cette prix!

    Joyeux anniversaire, Marie Antoinette!

    And for those who don't win the Marie Antoinette bookmark, or the "nonwinners" as Alex Trebek calls them, I have scads of bookmarks for NOTORIOUS ROYAL MARRIAGES that I can mail to people.

  5. My, my, how the time does fly. 254 years! I'll be sure to raise a toast this evening

  6. Anonymous2:27 PM

    I have the most dreadful propensity to lose bookmarks...a new one would be so handy. And might inspire me to take better care of them!

  7. Anonymous2:38 PM

    I wish I had known--I would have worn pink ribbons! Happy Birthday to the Queen--and I'd enjoy that lovely bookmark. Josephine

  8. oh my goodness so cute i love it!
    happy birthday marie!


  9. Happy Birthday, Marie!

    Haha! I bet everyone here would find a bookmark useful. (And a bookcase!)

  10. Happy Birthday Marie !

  11. Just beatiful! happy birthday marie antoinette!! God save the queen! :)

  12. Happy birthday Marie Antoinette!

    You have a beautiful give away for this special occasion :)

  13. A very happy Birthday!Even after all these years, you still manage to captivate!

  14. Happy birthday Marie-Antoinette!

  15. Oh, what a lovely bookmark!

  16. How could I not enter a giveaway for anything related to Marie Antoinette!!!! I grow to love and appreciate her with every post you write. Count me in!

  17. Happy Birthday Marie! The bookmark is too cute! :)

  18. You could always give the bookmark to me...

  19. Happy birthday MA!

  20. So Antoinette was born on the second and I was born October 28th approximately 219 years later. We're practically twins, soul mates. I am clearly the most deserving of this award, though nice try Leslie Carroll with the French speak!
    Now for a pathetic, Dickensian attempt at a pity win: "Please, miss, I 'aven't ever 'ad a book mark before and, well, mum, it isn't for me, but for me ole granny, oo's monstrous ill and 'oo I've been reading to each night, so that she might get better and I won't have to go off to the orphanage with all the little yellow fever children. I can only read a bit at a time, you see, because me eyes 'ave been poor from working me two jobs as chimney sweep apprentice and junior miner. So, miss, I could use a cheery bookmark like that to keep me place each night. But, miss, I'll understand if you don't choose me cause I'm only a little urchin that no one loves much except ole granny..."

  21. Joyeux anniversaire, Marie Antoinette!

    I could really use a bookmark! I've been using scraps of post-it notes!

  22. So many Scorpios in my life! I just celebrated 3 in my own family- and- there's no way that one of those; being my fashionista-party-goer and all time trend-setter daughter would have me forget that MA was a Scorpio as well (and her muse!)So with Josephine entertaining (moi) and MA-types in this house it's been non-stop partyland over at my place this past week...

  23. I'd love to win the bookmark because I am currently reading 'A Scented Palace' and it would look so beautiful in-between those pages....thanks, Stephanie x

  24. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Happy (One day late now.) Birthday, Marie Antoinette! :)

  25. Marie Antoinette has been on my mind all weekend! I found myself hours at the computer googling away...only to learn that it was her birthday! Bon Anniversaire! I wonder what exactly the festivities were for her birthday celebrations. I think I will remember the date for next year and host a lovely dinner party in her honor!

  26. That bookmark is absolutely lovely. There's so many books I have to read that it would most definitely be put to good use! :)

  27. I shall enter with minutes to spare. Hah! Happy Birthday, fabulous Marie!

  28. I remember finding The Fatal Friendship at my grandmother's when I was a teen and becoming so engrossed I missed dinner!

  29. A part of me hopes having pretty bookmarks will miraculously make teachers give less homework which will give me more time to read my beloved books, oh so lonely and gathering dust on my shelves, just begging to be read...*sigh*



  30. Anonymous9:21 AM

    I hope I'm not too late. I'm in need of more book marks, i'd love a Marie Antoinette one!

  31. If I am not too late, please count me in. Charming bookmark.
