
Sharing a Meal & Giving Thanks

John Blake White (1781–1859), General Francis Marion Inviting A British Officer to Share His Meal. Museum of Fine Arts

The above image is of General Marion extending a dinner invitation to a meal of roasted sweet potatoes to a British officer.  The work was exhibited at the National Academy of Design in 1837 and the catalog entry notes:
After the business has been arranged, Marion invited the visitor to take dinner with him. The moment chosen by the Artist is when they approach the table, which was composed of pieces of bark, bearing a dinner of sweet potatoes. The expression of surprise on the countenances of the stranger and Marion’s men is finely expressed. The scenery is said to be perfectly characteristic of a South Carolina swamp; and, altogether, it may safely be pronounced one of the best pictures of American history ever produced in this country.
  "General Marion Inviting a British Officer to Share His M...." U.S. Senate. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Nov. 2009.

I hope everyone celebrating Thanksgiving today has a lovely one!
Here are some related posts:
On the origin of the holiday (in the colonies)
Jane Austen's Thankful prayer
Family Dinners: Regency Style