
For your château?

Here is a series on decorative arts, which I have a particular fondness for.  The idea is simple; I present you with an object for your lovely 18th century estate.  Would you place it in your home or leave it for the tacky Duc of Dunkirk or Madame de Plunge (who has very ill taste)!

Chimney-piece and Over-mantel, c.1750. Pine, glass, mirror, marble. Victoria and Albert Museum.

So, here we have chimney piece complete with an over-mantle made of pine, marble and backed with mirror. The mirror is visible through the interlacing and ornate carved details.  The base of the chimney is marble. What do you say? For your château?


  1. no, though it is plain white, i don't like the over-mantle...

  2. MadameP9:33 AM

    Thumbs reminds me of deet antlers only white!

  3. Anonymous10:23 AM

    I could take the fireplace mantel by itself, but the mirror looks like a big cobweb that might trap you if you got too close to it!

  4. It's not the worst mantle/mirror I've ever seen but if you think of it combined with an entire room, it would be too much. It seems this person was trying to show off or look more important than they were, like a man in a mid-life crisis buying a little red sports car.

  5. @Emmeline @MadameP @Christine & @Jessica:
    Seems the overmantle is the thorn for this piece!

    I agree with you all that the white and marble chimneypiece are lovely, (and would go with any color scheme!) but with a high enough ceiling, I think I would approve of the over-mantle!

    And lol about the deer antlers... those I might not want...

  6. I like the piece, but I think that an entire room would need to be designed around it, as a room could quickly seem overcrowded with too many objects that ornate in it. I think I would like to have something like that with the right wall colors and furniture.

  7. I think if they were separated into two pieces each one would be quite beautiful, but together it feels like it's too much.
    Nothing about it really stands out to make me feel "I must have it".

  8. It's beautiful, like lace. However, I wouldn't want it in my home. Perhaps it would fit in some store, or a cafe. It's just a bit too elaborate for comfortable homes.

  9. Anonymous1:23 PM

    I think that I would be loving this/these if they were two separate items - the mirror on its own, definitely. Although ... I just so happen to have high ceilings - maybe it would work? I'll hack it apart and keep the mirror, methinks.

  10. I would be happy to have it even if it was the only thing in the room its just so beautiful

  11. Sure, I'll take it. The mirror is a bit tacky but it would be a conversation starter.

  12. I like it, but se it as a bit over the top for my own chateau decore.


  13. I, too, have a fondness for the decorative arts, but I would not choose to have this in my chateau. I don't like the over-mantle. There's too much white, too much action on too large a piece. If I'm going all white I'm probably going with more restrained Adam style.

  14. Yes! It would go perfect in my hunting lodge. Of course I don't use it for hunting, mostly just hunting-themed parties.

  15. No thank you. Save it for Madame de Plunge.

  16. Oh sure, I would trust the discretion of a guy with a PBR avatar! ;)

  17. Hmmm not for my chateau :)
