
Arrivée de l'archiduchesse: Preparations

An account of preparations for Marie Antoinette's arrive onto French soil, in a prepared pavilion made of wood, and richly decorated. You may recall Sofia Coppola's vision of the ceremony which occurred there, posted below.

"The Crown Upholsterer is here; he brought furniture and tapestry from the Garde-Meuble, and is being assisted by the most expert workmen in the town. Cardinal de Rohan lends his own carpets to decorate the two ante rooms, French and Austrian. The Lutheran University lends a daïs,* and a state-chair, in crimson and gold; the Grand-Chapter a velvet carpet in the same colour; the Prince de Lorraine a cover for the principal table; other wealthy residents send tabourets et banquettes. It is hoped that all will be ready towards the end of April. Meanwhile the pavilion de remise becomes the aim and object of sightseers."
Comtesse d'Armaillé, Marie Thérèse et Marie Antoinette.

The arrival scene by Sofia Coppola, Marie Antoinette, 2006.

*A daïs is a raised platform.

1 comment:

  1. This is a scene that always stood out for me after my daughter and I read Marie Antoinette's 'Diary of a Princess'. To think she had to be stripped of all her belongings seemed to be an extreme measure. And to see her have to surrender her dog in the movie pulls at my heartstrings!
