
Excerpt: Louis XVI to Cardinal Rohan

"That is not the Queen's writing or the Queen's signature. How could a prince of the house of Rohan, a Grand Almoner, have imagined that the Queen signed 'Marie Antoinette of France'? Everybody knows that queens sign only with their baptismal names."

Saint-Amend, Imbert de. Marie Antoinette and the End of the Old Regime. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1896.


  1. This is regarding the necklace incident? Or did that same signature question come up then, too?

  2. No, you are right, it is regarding the necklace incident.

  3. I did so enjoy that movie.

    The necklace incident was so unfair. But the King and Queen should've hushed it up. No good can come from fueling fire.

  4. I loved that movie too :)

  5. "Pshhhht Rohan doesn't everyone know that? Duh!"

  6. Miss HonnĂȘte10:36 PM

    Cardinal Rohan isn't it obvious?
    If you are going to sign in somebody elses name at least make it sound like if that person wrote it!!! ddaaaaa hahaha

  7. I don't like that movie at all. Terribly miscast. And the heroic interpretation of Jeanne's fate and doings - that really made me angry! As if she was fighting for some right the queen was denying her! As if her father was a victim of royal injustice! No really, that was all a bit too much for my taste.
    I liked Joely Richardson as Marie Antoinette though.

  8. Yeah, that necklace was just God awful. It looked like some drag queen, costume jewelry. No wonder Marie didn't like it. Too much...
