
Bloggiversary Giveaway Results!

Thank you all for entering the Bloggiversary giveaway!  I used to generate four names from the comment entries!

The winners of the Punch Studio keepsake boxes are:

Le salon de musique de Marie-AntoinetteThe winner of the  Le salon de musique de Marie-Antoinette (audio CD) is:
Rod McCaslin

Congratulations! Please contact me at marieantoinettegossip -at- with your mailing details.  Please contact me by May 21, after that date I will select another entry for the item.

For those of you who just can't stand it and must have the album now, you can download the tracks as MP3's on Amazon or purchase the audio CD.

I asked all that entered to let us know what your favorite thing about the 18th century was, and here are our results and a handful of comments!

38% Fashion 
The fashion and the color palette!-amy
[Stops to raise water as have no champagne in office.]...I love the robe a la polonaise!-Tulip
Fashion is more than clothing, it's art.-Mariko
Intricate embroidery on beautiful brocade is just heavenly. And the slippers! Sigh.-Laura Ingalls Gunn
I was going to say my favorite thing about the 18th century are the beautiful shoes!-Diane

13% Music
Music experimented a revolution with master minds such as Mozart, Beethoven and Paganini.-Miss Honnête
the music! It is my favorite thing from the 18th century which I can still really enjoy fully.-MmeHistoire

13% Life styles of the rich and famous
I love studying the rituals. I'm glad I don't have to know them all, but I'm fascinated by the rules of court.-Isara
For me it has to be the parties. What a sight they must have been!!! -Lily
For me it would have to be the beautiful and enigmatic Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire...-TammieMagee
I love the culture - the dances and the rules.-Joey
Being dainty and fashionable and living in such grand estates!  -Dolly

12% Art
Versailles is my favorite "thing"-Anabel
Palaces like Sanssouci and the Peterhof amaze me.-Timeeka
I enjoy looking at peoples portraits and every time I learn about someone I haven’t heard of before or take an interest in someone’s life...-Marquis Jacques
I really adore the inspiration this era gives me for decorating my boudoir.-Cathy

12% Enlightenment
*Sheaths cutlass, plants fists on hips* I love Revolutions. Technology, philosophy, politics...-Pauline
My favorite thing about the 18th century is fascinating in its mix of the changing mentalite of modern thought and the continuing medieval worldview held by the majority of people-Rod McCaslin

8% Hair styles
Honestly, I love the hair of the 18th century the most. Some incredibly styles came out of that century! -L Öst
And with that came the pouf that we all love.-Aleks

5% Literature
The most amazing literature... Not just Austen, Fielding, Radcliffe, Defoe &c... but some of the NAUGHTIEST and most SCANDALOUS stuff I have ever laid my eyes on! For Marie Antoinette fans: try 'Le Godmiche Royal.' Saucy stuff. -Emily


  1. Well since I’m usually up pretty late, I might as well be the first to comment!
    First, congratulations to the winners of Laura’s and Heather’s fantastic blogs! Its great to see so many people who left comments and all their different reasons for why they love this great time in history. It reminds me that there are lots of others out there who are just as crazily obsessed as I am! Lol

    I was also touched when I read Aleks’s post.
    To Aleks: Its awesome to see a young person so interested in history! Understanding our past is the best way to develop a better, more hopeful future and so many young people don’t obtain or show any interest at all in the past and its sad. Whether it be politics, literature, art or fashion. Everything that we have come to know in our present, daily lives is somehow influenced by the past. Don’t ever loose that love.
    I’ve just brought a tear to my eye… so enough being a sap! If you love reading about Antoinette, I recommend “Marie Antoinette: The Journey” by Antonia Frasier if you haven’t read it already.

  2. Oh I love how you posted the results of what everyone is interested in! Clever clever!

  3. Your site always has something to make me smile -- the details and beauty are delicious!
