
Leaving Her Mother's City: Marie Antoinette

"On the morrow the Dauphiness left Vienna. The whole city crowded out, at first with a sorrow which was silent.

She appeared; you saw her sunk back into her carriage, her face bathed in tears, hiding her eyes now with her handkerchief, now with her hands, several times putting out her head to see yet again this palace of her father's, whither she was to return no more. She motioned her regret, her gratitude, to the good nation which was crowding here to bid her farewell.

Then arose, not only tears, but piercing cries, on all sides; men and women alike abandoned themselves to such expression of their sorrow. It was an audible sound of wail in the streets and avenues of Vienna. The last courier that followed her disappeared, and the crowd melted away."

Account by witness (Weber) 


  1. I'd be bathing my face in tears too if I was a teen leaving my beloved city. It's amazing to think she never returned either!

  2. Poor little Antonia. Only 14 when she was dragged away from her family that she loved. It seems everyone in Vienna loved her too. To go to a county where the people ended up being just mean and nasty to her. Its so sad.

  3. That would be so frightening, to be so young & leave the only place you've ever known from something unknown. And the people of Vienna loved their little princess so. You don't know how the in-laws are going to treat you or what the people will think of you in the country you're going to. You don't even know if your husband is going to treat you decently or make you play second fiddle to a mistress or some strange hobby. Some of the courts were like shark tanks, to drop someone so young in & not knowing many there, wow.
