
A most splendid 18th century Toilette!

Garnier, Michel, Elegant Lady at her Toilette, 1788.
One of the most lavish weddings held at Versailles was that of the Duc de Bourgogne to the Princess Adelaide of Savoy.  During the elaborate celebrations of the wedding, everyone was outside to view a firework display.  As luck would have it the wind picked up and it began to rain forcing everyone to rush into the palace.  All was not lost, guest were able to walk though the palace and view madame's toilette, all of which was prepared to display luxury and, of course, elegance!

"All the court passed then to the chamber of Mme la Duchesse de Bourgogne, which was brilliantly lighted, and in which, the day before, they had set up a magnificent bed and canopy of green velvet embroidered in gold and silver. The court saw there, also, the toilette of the princess, which was much admired, both for its articles of gold and silver and for its embroidery and lace."
Farmer, James Eugene. 1905. Versailles and the court under Louis XIV. New York: Century Co.


  1. Such a shapely leg and dainty ankle. No cankles here! Love the peeping Tom too.

  2. had to post you this link, found the interior at apartmenttherapy

    greetings from germany...

  3. @Vic yea, she is a total dish!

    @Emmeline What an interior! I love the wall boards, what do you think of it? Thank you for the link!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Is that what well-turned ankle looks like? 'Cos I've always wondered.

  6. Sounds like a lovely event! What year did the wedding take place?

  7. @Ingrid That would have been 1697

  8. Very elegant, love the sense of humour with the peeper.

  9. Anonymous1:27 AM

    I really hate nowadays women, whom ''toilettes'' and intimacy are not existing anymore! No petticoats, not even dresses, but very, very short skirts and ugly tops!
    Please tell me I am not the single one who thinks that!

  10. That lady looks so much like me!!! :O
