
What to wear in your hair!

Let's face it. In the eighteenth century women of style knew how to accessorize.  Call it excessive, some of it was just spot on and who is to say we cannot learn from them?

I have compiled some images of hair accessories from fashionable ladies of the eighteenth century.  This is just for fun and to get an idea of some different ways you can accessorize your own pouf , based on history!  There are, of course, countless ways to wear your hair, but if you are looking to add a little eighteenth century flair this summer, this post is for you!  Have your own fashion ideas? Let us know in the comments section!

Hats! Can be adorned with satin ribbons, plumes and even jewels. Fasten a brooch to a hat for a bit of shimmer.  Plumes that droop with weight look elegant, plumes that stand up tall shout for attention!

Pearls: drape a string of pearls through the hair for a very classy look. To attach the pearls use little bobby pins that match your natural hair color.  This will make the pearls appear to stay in the hair on their own.  You can loop them through curls or just let them dangle down to the side.  Tie a small bow on the end of the string of pearls for an added feminine touch.

Plumage! Size matters, as we all know! Add some plumes to your hair for a, dare I say, exotic look? Not only do they suggest a soft, feminine style but they add movement creating a more dynamic look.  They come in all shades so get creative! You can also find weighty ones that fall down on the ends or as mentioned earlier, ones that stand up more tall.  Even peacock plumes would do! If you are not so ambitious, try using a smaller feather or group a few together on a headband.

Of course there is the classic, flower in the hair! This can be paired up with anything or just worn on its own.  This has really never gone out of style.  You can attach these to bobby pins or head bands so that they stay in place.  Add a faceted bead to the center of your flower for a surprise sparkle.

Summer is a great time to bunch up some fine fabric, spray it with a bit of fabric stiffener and pin it in your hair! That does not sound as good as it looks....If you bunch up some shinny material so it looks full, let some drape down your back and decorate it wtih flowers, brooches, pearls &ct. you will have a stunning and very elegant look.  It may take practice to pin this into your hair.  I had to create this type of fabric bunch for my , a total summer hat. 

Finally, the simplicity of a ribbon or piece of lace may be all you need for a stunning look.  There is nothing to it! Just pick your favorite ribbon or band of material.  You can even wrap a thin ribbon around some light weight sheer fabric for a more luxurious feel - yet still simple, natural and elegant.  Too easy? Wrap a string of beads around it!  This is one of my favorite styles because it is easy and looks good on anyone!


  1. love this post! If I was brave enough I would definitely like to wear some pearls and maybe a flower in my hair! This post puts me in mind of Sophia Coppolla's Marie Antoinetter where she is having her hair styled-massive and gregarious-with decorative birds being place in it if I remember rightly??

  2. Anonymous3:49 AM

    I would definitely choose pearls :-)

  3. If I would accessorize my hair in 18th century style, I probably choose the pearl and ribbon accessories mentioned above. Those were really simple yet elegant to look. Anyway, thanks for sharing this us! =)

  4. Me to I chose pearls!!!

  5. What a fun post! Ah, if only I had a ball or reception to go to where I could wear those feathers or pearls....

  6. If I was a girl, I would totally dress my hair up. When it comes to hats and feathers, I'm definitely a size queen! :-)

  7. Great post Lauren! I choose the lace and the flower, if only i had nice hair to wear them. That's what I envy the most about Marie Antoinette.

  8. Oh, to be able to wear flowers and feathers in my hair every day. I don't think my employer would think it proper office attire, though!


  9. If I had more hair - mine's so light! - I would totally put it up with pearls.

  10. I like the classic flower in the hair. Just give me a swing and I am in Rococo heaven.

  11. I think perhaps a combination of ribbon and pearls works best for me.
