
Library Hours

As  Queen of France, Marie Antoinette had spent a lot of her time enjoying lazy days at her Petit Trianon.  Walking through the gardens and visiting the Petit Hameau were just some activities she would take part in while there.  Inside Petit Trianon she had her own library, a modest collection of classic and modern titles.

For some time she would schedule a small part of her day aside to spend in the library.  It was her hope to cultivate her mind, and supplement her education by studying and reading.  The idea was noble.  After several failed attempts to be secluded and uninterrupted, she gave up on her scholarly pursuits.


  1. Pauvre Marie! It reminds me of how she ended up engrossing herself in adventure stories at the Conciergerie, which always charms me. The idea that she'd escape in such a simple way in such a horrible situation is really fascinating to me. Great post!

  2. That's the worst! I would have instated a queenly order that I am not to be bothered while in my library.

  3. After several failed attempts to be secluded and uninterrupted, she gave up on her scholarly pursuits.

    A problem not confined to French queens, I dare say.

  4. @Mistress: Good connection! She certainly tried to create space (psychically and mentally) for escape!

    @Heather You are a bit more industrious than some French Queens

    @Sophie LOL I dare say, I believe you are correct!

  5. Poor Marie Antoinette. She just wasn't the reading type... She could not help it, though she certainly wanted to some degree. It's the only side of her character I can't really rely to.

  6. In such a beautiful place as the Petit Trianon, I can see why (aside from her duties of course) she would be unable to seriously study here :)
