
Just for Fun: Music Video!

Lovely reader Sofia has brought my attention to a recent music video by Swedish artist, Eric Saade.  The video is set in the 18th century with funny characters, period inspired costume and settings.  As Sofia says "Forbidden Romance! Masquerade! Singer in chains!"  :o)

So just for fun, here is the video for Eric Saade's single: Masquerade.  Happy Friday!!


  1. Thud? Ouch. Such a fun video until the end!

  2. The extras in costume is from a swedish 18th century society called Gustafs Skål :)

  3. Oh dear, what a terrible, awful, no-good, yet horribly catchy song. The music video is kind of delightful, though!

  4. My sentiments exactly Emily! Although there wasn't nearly enough wigs ;)

  5. Miss Honnete6:35 PM

    I totally agree with Emily, the song was ok, nothing worthy of praise, but catchy. I liked everything in the video 'till the end: the peasant gets decapitated?? I don’t think that was very historically accurate, maybe some whipping and lashes with a hot iron stick :P, but not death.

  6. Too true, Heather, not nearly enough wigs. I would also accept Annie Lennox's turban from her "Walking on Broken Glass" video.

  7. Anonymous11:31 AM

    derthis one is bad! making a mockery out of a very highly reputable period heheheeh....hey atleast they tried. they tried but looking tired and cheesy. cheesy song, cheesy video. But hey if it keeps the teenage kids interested of that period then why not. maybe when they see it they'll want to learn about that period. When Madonna performed Vogue as Marie Antoinette(I was 8). I started looking up who Marie Antoinette was and up to know my fascination got deeper. hence my regular visits to this fab site! Thanks Heather!

  8. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Gosh! That's what I get for not listening to domestic pop music... It was actually much better than I expected when I clicked play!
    And he's cuter than I imagined too! ;D

  9. Here's a video about what Marie might be like if she was a modern girl ... and if she was steezy.

  10. truly godawful...and i just hate the look of his love interest, especially her hair! -he's very cute though.

    i see the ballroom is the salon at the Hallwyl museum in Stockholm -a gorgeous place you absolutely musn't miss if you ever visit this town!

    Best, Tutta
