
Dress like it is 1785!

Fashions were changing by the season, but during the later part of the eighties some trends stood out.  The year 1785 saw some styles take off:

Dark, dark, dark! Dresses in shades dark blue were very popular, dark violet and purple hues as well.  Skin-tone could improve in these deep shades.  A color that was perhaps most popular was called Pitch Green. It was (you guessed it!) a blackish-green.

High fashion was not to be mistaken with mourning clothing.  To offset the dark frocks, details of lightweight cotton lace and frill were added, and light ornaments such as buttons.  A popular color for buttons in 1785 was yellow!

To finish the ensemble, pair with white waistcoat or a white accessory. Like wise ribbons in yellow were very 'in'. If nail polish was available they would be wearing Gold Lamé, Black Velvet and an overcoat of Illusion D'Or.

This year in style, powder was out, especially if you had naturally light hair. Want to powder? Try Bumble and Bumble Hair Powder ( Blondish ) , Red, Brunette or White  (we tested this brand on Heather!)

Not enough hair?  Not to worry, you could have always bought a few curls to add volume!


  1. I love the idea of pitch-green. I've always loved that color in silky fabrics. Makes me think of rooster feathers.

  2. Very interesting!! I loved this information. Where did you get it? :D

  3. Great post, Lauren.

    @Anabel, I love the picture of Marie that you have as your icon. My favourite.

  4. Don't I wish I could! Much better than 2010 fashions! And I look great in darkest blue, purple and green. ;-)
