
16 October 1793

"The corpse of the ill fated queen was immediately buried in a grave filled with quick-lime, in the church-yard, called De La Madelaine where her unfortunate consort, Louis XVI, had been before deposited and consumed in the same manner"

On the execution of Marie Antoinette, 16 October 1793


  1. A sad day for remembrance. What an ignoble end to an amazingly rich life.

  2. 217 years my Queen you will always be remembered,

  3. They only identified where her body was years latter. A man saw where her body was buried in a unmarked grave originally. When they dug in the same spot in 1815 they only found dust and a garter.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. did not realize the date she was sad. but if she knew we were still talking about her after all these years.....

  6. I just did several pen and ink drawings of Marie Antoinette's shoe which she wore on the day of her execution. What a coincidence that it was the anniversary of her death!

  7. indeed a sad day!
    but let us look forward to the 2nd of november - the 255th birthday of our most beloved queen!

  8. Amirak10111:00 PM

    thousands of peasants starved dead
    so goodbye, horrible queen
    and off with your head

    she was a sweet woman but the worst queen. her treatment was horrible, but death, that was understandable.

  9. Sally in Sydney9:48 PM

    I have visited the original burial site of MA, in Rue Pasquier, just north of the Opera Garnier. Quite a gloomy 'chapelle expiatoire' stands above it, built by Louis XVIII to remember his brother and sister-in-law, but the small park around it is quite lovely. A must if you are making a Marie Antoinette pilgrimage to Paris.
