
Same Dame?

Louis Boilly, The Artist's Wife in His Studio. Oil painting. Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute.

Great catch!
I just recently featured a Young Woman Ironing, painted by the artist Boilly, and reader Sara aka @lili_bird noticed that the lady in Boilly's painting of his wife looks very similar. 
What do you think? Is it the same dame?


  1. It very well could be. They look so similar. Its the eyes. The face shape is slightly different.

  2. The shape of the nose and chin look a little different but the hair and eyes are almost exactly the same! Though because of the distinct long flat shape of the nose it must be her or a relative.

  3. artandhockey5:37 PM

    Possibly. One looks as if painted through a veil, the other is much starker. Just ran across your blog and enjoy it. Love art but have no training in any form of it.. sigh!

  4. Yay!....oops, I mean yes....definitely.

  5. I am on the fence over it! It could be....

  6. Could be...the lady ironing looks a little older and housework weary!

  7. Perhaps a relation but...not only are their noses and chins different, but also their bustlines! The laundress is definitely more well endowed.

  8. My guess would be yes! And I love your posts! They are fun and informative! Thanks for sharing your knowledge. Tee

  9. That is quite fascinating! I would venture to guess that he did hire her to be the young woman ironing and then married her :)

    They do look very similar in the eyes and nose region, even the hair parted on her forehead looks the same. I think the difference in dress could be two different styles, or one is more of a state of undress? Perhaps the young woman is ironing her gown.

    Very interesting!

    I have heard that models were hired for paintings just as they are hired today for photos.
