
Lancret and his Beautiful Greek Women

 Nicolas Lancret, La Belle Grecque. 1731-36, oil on canvas. The Art Institute of Chicago.

Another beautiful Lancret to start off our Thursday! 
I just love the colors in this painting, and of course her unique gown! 
What do you think?
Reader Felicia pointed out that on her recent visit to the Wallace Collection she ran into this lady...or is it! Check out the Wallace Collection's La Belle Grecque! Can you spot any differences? Which painting do you like better?

 Nicolas Lancret, La Belle Grecque. oil on canvas. The Wallace Collection.


  1. God I want that gown! and I do love how it contrast to blue of the sky and the green of the forest :)

  2. I love this painting! It's so romantic and playful at the same time.

  3. Very nice & such an inspiring mood to it. The gown is lovely, the contrasting colours with the surrondings really make it take centre stage. The "lighting" in the painting is gorgeous.

  4. Oh wauw I love this painting. She seems so happy and like, 'live is perfect'

  5. *sigh*

    That gown is to die for. I really do think sometimes, that I was born in the wrong century.

  6. Wait, did Lancret make several like this? Because I saw this in London this week at The Wallace Collection (their site claims it hangs in their small drawing room - I had to check in case I was imagining it). So there is one in Chicago as well?

    I remember because I stopped and gawked at her dress. Really pretty!

  7. @Felicia great find! I am going to post them together!!

  8. Beautiful dress. Women must have felt so feminine back in those days. I love the rich color in the first picture. The background reminds me of a Fragonard. Does anyone else think that she looks as if she should be holding something in her hand?

  9. She maybe a actress or operetic star of that time she seems to be jesticulating.
