
Gerrit Dou: Sleeping Dog

Gerrit Dou, Sleeping Dog. 1650, oil on canvas. Rose-Marie and Eijk van Otterloo Collection.

I will apologize for making anyone melt due to pup cuteness, but when I saw it, I had to post this lovely painting by Dutch painter Gerrit Dou.  Dou began his career working in the studio of Rembrandt and became highly skilled in illusionistic paintings.  His works were highly sought after and highly paid for.  He had a successful career in Leiden, was commissioned by various courts, and was a popular teacher.


  1. Awwww . . . simply gorgeous. Thanks so much for sharing this.

  2. I was very excited to see that this collection (this painting included) is now at the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem Massachusetts through June 19!

  3. @toriellis21 That is great! I hope readers near by can check it out!

  4. What a dear painting. Thanks for sharing it, and this painter. I am not familiar with his work - but I will be soon!
    (I especially like his way with light.)

  5. What a wonderful painting. I came across this when I adopted a dog who looks just like the one in the painting. I was trying to find out what breed my pup is, he is identical. Still don't know which breed he is.
