
New Book: Royal Pains

I received a cute notice on parchment the other day from author Leslie Carroll announcing her newest book (which had me at the title) Royal Pains: A Rogues' Gallery of Brats, Brutes, and Bad Seeds.

It sounds like this is another must page turner type book for the shelves! Tag line: In a world where sibling rivalry knows no bounds and excess is never enough, meet some of history's boldest, baddest and bawdiest royals.

A world where excess is never enough? Sounds perfect for us!  So I will have to pick it up soon.  Let me know what you think of it you get it!  If you want to talk to Leslie about her book or your favorite saucy royals she is @lcarrollauthor on twitter!

Carroll, Leslie. 2011. Royal pains: a rogues' gallery of brats, brutes, and bad seeds. New York: New American Library. ISBN 9780451232212

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