
Fashion tips, baby.

Welcome to my new blog, where you will find everything you need to know about style, women and being all around perfect.  It seems like the right time to share my pearly words of wisdom with the masses, especially after receiving so much fan after day. I don't even read it! 

So do me a favor and make sure you are following my blog.  Just in case anyone from the colonies is reading this, you may not yet know but I rule France.

All about me:
I grew up the duc de Chartres but now I am the duc d'Orleans and it is a far superior gig.  While we are on the topic of me, I pretty much rule everything.  Everyone who is anyone knows me.  I have dark hair and I am ridiculously good looking, women often describe me as dashing and dreamy. I heard"dreamboat" once but that chick was nuts.

More important stuff about me:
Hmm...what else... I love good food, actresses, models, singer-songwriters, ladies in costume, ladies in waiting, I also had a perfect NCAA bracket until a few days ago (who the hell is Butler?!)  and I have hired someone just to take care of my shoes.  If I learned anything from my late father, it is that a man must take care of his appearance at all times... well enough about me.  Back to instructing you on a better way to living life, and learning all about how the 18th century is a fabulous place and time full of fun.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hah! is all I have to say. It is early, before I've had coffee. Thanks for the laugh. (Disregard my previous comment).

  3. Love it, Happy April Fools Day indeed!

  4. Happy April Fools Day ;)

  5. Great Blog! For a second I thought you and Heather had started whole new blogs!

  6. Hallie6:28 PM

    Yeah,yeah,yeah, you think you're so sexy in that full bottomed wig of yours, but your great grandson was as ugly as a pug dog, and threw the King to the Jacobins in order to save his own neck - like that one was gonna work! Nice try Philipe Egalite.

  7. Ive decided to wear armoir to the party .
