
Do not make the Empress wait...

When letters were delayed, Empress Maria Theresa was annoyed! In several letters she would passively write about her displeasure of delayed deliveries.  She would even schedule her messengers to leave on specific days so that she would receive letters on a set schedule.  An example is in a letter she penned to Marie Antoinette in 1770, when she was Dauphine of France.

"Madame, my dear daughter at last this eternal messenger has arrived at nine o'clock at night, bringing the dear accounts of you. Heaven be praised that according to him your health is good, he was with your suite and thinks you grown taller and stouter."

Empress Maria Theresa to Marie Antoinette 1770


  1. "taller and stouter" thanks a lot MOM!

  2. Anonymous1:10 PM

    mothers...."you Never call me!"
