
Photos from the party last night

As promised here are the pics from last night's party.  The party started outdoors and we ended up staying out so late...well. Anyway, there was so much food and tons of wine, plenty of women to go around. So much fun!  I didn't even know all the people that showed up, but hey, we are only young and in charge once right?

 Oh my god! I remember this chick, I think she took something before arriving to the party! We still don't know who brought the baby, he wasn't wearing a diaper and went wee everywhere!

 This dude showed up naked, and just ran around all night with that goat. Super weird- I didn't talk to him at all. Weird-o

 That is the Comte de Vache!! HA, this picture is going in the books!

 Oh man, this guy was AWESOME.

Oh yea, and look who showed up last minute, W. Pitt!  Kept his nose in the air all night! Dude needs to have a little more fun. Hopefully I can get him to drink more tonight. Weird thing, all the women loved him, so I guess he is doing something right. Still isn't ruling France though. #ftw
~Your devoted Regent, The duc d'Orleans


  1. These blogs must be the most AWESOME April fools jokes ever! Really had me fooled for a few seconds, especially since it is April 2 where I live. Love it!

  2. ROFLMAO!!! the best post ever!
    Mr. Pitt needs to get his britches out of a twist! Damn British and their pointy noses! LOL

  3. @Vinery and @Marquis Jacques :o)
