
3 years already? Let̕ s Celebrate!!

This weekend will be nothing but fresh berries and champagne, with plenty to go around! Did I mention royal cupcakes?  If you have not yet heard, Heather and I are celebrating 3 years of blogging, and hosting an online bloggiversary bash! Which really just means fun and games for you!

So many great things have come from the blogs since that sunny May back in 08! I love the conversations we have here and over at Georgiana's Gossip Guide, and Twitter as well, for those of you there. I hope everyone has had as much fun here as I have!  In short, thanks for hanging out and taking part in our little salons, keep the humor, wit, and knowledge coming! 

So, each bloggiversary we try to do a fun giveaway, and this year we are focusing on fans. Practical for warm days and gossiping about the fabulous past with your friends! Every lady should have a fan in her possession.  In fact, I would be surprised if you didn't!

That is where the giveaway comes in to play!

How To Enter:
To win one of four fans I am giving away, simply comment on this blog stating why you don't have a fan.

"I left it on a train in France. Oops!"

Or Heather's reason:
"some prossie broke mine!" 

One 'grand' prize winner will receive a fan and Let Them eat Cake! Bon Bon Lip Balm from Tokyo Milk! yum! I mean, this is a birthday after all!  French Vanilla, shredded Coconut and a hint of cocoa...for a perfect kiss!

Winners will be announced Friday May 13, Good luck!


  1. I dropped mine when the heel of my glass slipper broke whilst escaping from the ball!

  2. It would seem my fan was lost in the upset caused by some highwayman when I returned to london. :/

  3. It would seem I left my fan at the Duc de Normandie's annual fete. It's a shame as it was made of the finest silk and had a scene of a beautiful Japanese garden embroidered on it.

  4. My tale is a sorrowful one. For a year I was the support and guide to a young girl. She was lovely. A darling. My heart grew to love her as well as my own sweet daughter.

    Time passed and it was heartrending when her trunks were packed and she was sent back across the sea.

    It was days later, in the sweltering heat of the southern summer that I realized my fan had been taken by that flower of Norway.

    My heart broke again. What need would the darling have for a fan in the far north? And I, bereft of fan, must now suffer twice. For the child...and the fan.

  5. Mine was stolen by Mme du Barry during a ball at Versailles! My dear friend the Comtesse de Polignac saw the brazen woman flaunting it the next evening at the Opera.

  6. Some cheeky fellow kept mine as a lover's souvenir

  7. I left mine at the home of a handsome man I met at the last ball I attended.

  8. Love fans, but I've never owned one - I know its blasphemy! Need to get one.

  9. While trying to ward off an offending swain, my beautiful fan broke! Apparently it wasn't very well made!

  10. Anonymous10:35 AM

    That charming man, Sir Percy Blakeney hustled me out of Paris a little too quickly. Many thanks but I left all my essentials, including my fan!

  11. My little dog was bored and chewed it up.

  12. During the process of moving from our summer château to our winter mansion my dearest fan was damaged! Packed amongst the belongings as if it were nothing at all.

    (this is a true story. I had a lovely fan and when we moved into our current house it was damaged beyond my ability to repair it!)

  13. Katherine Louise12:38 PM

    Congratulations to both of you on your anniversaries! Alas, my favorite fan was stolen, yes stolen!, by that tart Bess Foster. Now I know just how my dear friend Georgiana feels--I too thought Bess was my friend!

  14. Well I was just sitting in the presence of the Queen herself, Marie Antoinette, when Madame de Polignac brought in Marie-Thérèse. And the dear little girl took quite a liking to my fan, so I just had to give it to her! She was much too adorable to say no to! But now, alas, I have no fan, and the heat is killing me. =C

    Congrats on your bloggiversary! =D

  15. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Previously, I had no need of a fan because I couldn't find just the right shade of eyeliner with which to draw a large beautymark that would thus require flirtatious peekaboo with a fan. Now that I've found the perfect eyeliner color, I need a fan!!

  16. No fan as I sent my to a 100+ yo cousin whose own was disintegrating. Seemed a kind thing at the time but who knew I'd need one.

  17. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Bratty little serving boys keep breaking mine--I had a lovely carved wood one and a ivory one. I boxed their ears and sent them to bed without supper!

    (in reality, two boys from my reenacting unit did break mine)

  18. Madame de Polignac really liked it so as a good friend does I gave it to her, and she gave me her embroidered handkerchief.

  19. Mine disappeared right after that tragic divorce ceremony! It would appear that One of those ghastly Bonapartes couldn't keep her hands off my precious belongings...

  20. Miss Honette6:19 PM

    I was gambling and having a fashion spree with my bffs in my private chambers. The maid brought the refreshments in and well I had already drunken too much champagne. So I invited Gerard my favorite macaroni of all times (and the greatest fashion guru ever) to honor our table with his presence, besides we needed a rest, after having spent almost all day long arranging my new robe a la Françoise for the next ball hosted in the Petite Trianon. Gerard was so absorbed in his communications of the latest gossips of all tarts in court that he forgot to put my new lovely silk fan in a proper place. Tirant sur le noir, my pup, whom I had just bought a new diamond collar, totally misbehaved during our chat. Ripping and tearing apart my fan!

  21. I lost my favorite fan to a bad hand of cards. I think someone may have been cheating.

  22. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Oh Dear! Mops was very excited and chewed mine up right as I was about to leave Versailles for the Opera in Paris. It's a shame, really, it's quite stuffy in the theatre...

  23. I have an antique French fan, but I'd never dare use that one. i've been using a folded piece of paper in a pinch, but I would love to "upgrade!"

  24. Gloria9:09 PM

    Hi!!! I haven't wrote any comment from France but I live in Chili...I just want to say congratulations for your anniversary!!! I always try to read your blog, I really like it!!!!

  25. This story is TRUE:
    A few years ago I received a beautiful paper fan for my birthday. Before it was even unwrapped, my young cousin grabbed it and opened it out straight (not fanning it open) thereby tearing, breaking and destroying it before I could even use it once!

  26. My lovely fan was crushed during a passionate rendezvous in the carriage of my paramour! ;)

  27. The Queen herself really liked my fret-worked fan so I gave it up to her and now I am allowed to enter her parties in Petit Trianon. What a trade! ;)


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  30. I was standing on a beautiful bridge over a small picturesque lake tossing pieces of bread into it for the swans and ducks and *woosh!* There it goes! It's for the birds now.

  31. Unfortunately, i left it on my chair and my fathers horrible pet monkey torred it to pieces!

  32. Congratulations on three years of deliciously gossip-ful blogging!

    As for my fan, it was eaten by a peasant child of around 14 years. The young ruffian was then sick, coating my shoes in pastel blue pulp.

    The child's lips were also stained blue, and I have often been accused of having puched the child after this incident. However, it is common knowledge that respectable women do not 'punch' others- they get their maidservants to do it instead.

  33. Several years ago, my little girl took my only fan, hot glued some type of pink ostrich feathers to it and proceeded to put on a play with her best friend after seeing the movie "White Christmas" with Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye. The two sisters in the movie were singers and dancers and performed together. Their famous boa fan song's catch phrase was "Lord help the mister who comes between me and my sister and Lord help the sister who comes between me and my man!"

    That sounds like it would fit perfectly at the court of Marie Antoinette, doesn't it?!!!

  34. Patricia2:32 AM

    well, I actually have several fans and have even bought some as gifts to go with friends' outfits, gave a beautiful, pink feather fan to a very young friend who was enchanted by it. I also gave one to a friend in need at a party, she was suffering from the "change". I love to buy them and give them away, but I also love to recieve them! A lady can never have too many fans! Congratulations on your bloggiversary!

  35. Je faisais une partie de thé darling avec sa Majesté, Marie Antoinette, lorsque j'a chuté de mon fan sur le plancher et toujours n'avoir pas trouvé il. J'ai besoin d'un fan mal, car je vais passer l'été à Versailles. J'ai entendu parler d'une rumeur que mon fan a vu avec l'un de dames d'honneur la Reine, mais je musn't croire tout ce qui sort de l'usine de la rumeur.
    I was having a darling tea party with Her Majesty, Marie Antoinette, when I dropped my fan on the floor, and still have not found it. I need a fan badly, for I am going to spend the summer at Versailles. I have heard a rumor that my fan was seen with one of the Queen's ladies in waiting, but I musn't believe all that comes out of the rumor mill.

  36. Congrats on the bloggiversary!

    We were having such a carefree day in early summer, out & around Le Hameau gathering flowers, sitting in the field, talking & listening to her majesty read. When out of nowhere came that giant, the golden & dark furred Odin (purchased for her highness by the dishy Count Fersen), who snatched my fan up in his mouth from the grass next to me & off he went with it, just like that. No one has seen is since & as it has been in Odin's mouth it is probably best. Adieu my lovely little swan skin fan you are now the royal hound's chew toy. :(

  37. Anonymous3:26 PM

    First time commenter... I love these blogs!

    I'm afraid I am in desperate need of a new fan, for at the ball last week I noticed a countess who had the same painting on *her* fan! Naturally I can never be seen with this old thing again!


  38. I was low on cash, so I traded it for gin.

  39. I've never found a good fan!

  40. I lost it behind all my beautiful shoes and macaroons!

  41. I lost it or one while dancing in a crowd to a man (i was passing)who never gave it back.
