
A Locket that holds Marie Antoinette's Hair

Believe it or not, this locket is not for sale on Etsy!

Its home is with the British Museum (a very good one) yet I swear it would make a great contemporary piece.  This locket was made complete with key and mini lock. 

The locket is somewhat heart shaped, with a delicate filigree design in thin metal along the edges.  What almost looks like a cut crystal is hinged at the top and secured by the lock. Inside is a blond lock of hair and note that reads:

A lock of hair of MARIE ANTOINETTE, Queen of FRANCE given by her to Lady Abercorn by whom it was given to her sister Lady Julia Lockwood, whose daughter Lady Napier gave it to W.S. 1853.


  1. Anonymous2:23 AM

    I now deeply, deeply wish I made jewelry...


  2. this is so lovely!

  3. The locket itself is really very beautiful, and to have a lock of Marie Antoinette's actual hair would be incredible! I wish people still gave each other keepsakes like this. I suppose most people would just consider it creepy now.

  4. Fascinating! Is there a photo of the hair? and have they determined that it truly is hers?

  5. Love that locket. You are right. It could be sold on Etsy.

  6. I would definitely wear that! Maybe without the MA lock of hair though haha

  7. What a beautiful piece of jewellery, and with that historical significance and provenance what a wonderful thing imagine if it was MINE!!!!! MY PRECIOUS hee hee.

  8. Bury it. Never understood this concept of keep a lock of hair...
