
Books on the 18th Century

Giuseppe Maria Crespi, Music Library. Oil on two panels, 1720. Biblioteca musicale 'G.B. Martini' di Bologn.

Did you know that I have an awesome library taking over my living room full of books all about the 18th century? It is awesome and overwhelming all at once!

I have just finished putting together an awesome collection of recent publications on 18th century history (arts, literature, general history, etc.)  You can find this link at the bottom of the blog, I am not sure if anyone ever looks down there, but I keep some links there :o)

As I see more titles come out I will update the list.  I had been keeping the list going so I know what I want to read next but with all the questions regarding books coming in, I thought you would want to see what is out and what is good!

Check it out: Books on the 18th century!

If you are really just interested in Marie Antoinette, check out the link Books on Marie Antoinette.


  1. Anonymous8:02 AM

    WOW! Great collection of books! Please lend me 5 - or better 10ones ))) Still found some books about 17th (The Affair of the Poisons) or 19th century ;-)

  2. @Anonymous Yea! It is a good collection- keep you reading for a while! I did throw some that are just out of the 18th cent. :o) Basically if I like it, its in!

    Right now I am reading the Politics of Fashion and it is really great! What are you reading?

  3. Love this list... I can see that my own book collection will be growing soon!

    Library Thing has an interesting web site but I haven't put all my books there yet. Seems a daunting task.

  4. What an awesome collection you have! I think I will some of those titles to mine soon, thanks for sharing.

  5. @Buck Thanks! I have not used Library Thing myself but I have heard lots of people that love it. It will take a few good hours to get started, entering your entire collection (if it is big that is)

    @Gio Thanks! These are only the recent items, the rest of my collection is too big for my too small shelves! Let me know which one s you check out I would love to hear what you think

  6. Anonymous12:05 AM

    @Lauren Right now I'm reading Frank McLynn's "1759" and rereading memoires of duc de Lauzan. I've heard some consider these memoires to be fake - just like the ones of Mme de Montespan. Lauren, what do you think?

  7. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Thank you! Just in time for creation of my own Christmas wish list. So many books, so little time. I'm reading Dancing to the Precipice, which is fascinating. Ah, I wish I'd known some of these remarkable women! Katherine Louise

  8. @Anonymous Well I can't say if it was or not written by Lauzun, but if not, then it was written by a contemporary who knew their stuff! How do you like the "1759" so far?

    @Katherine Louise I know just what you mean!

    Have just added more books to the list. Will adjust the images later!

  9. Anonymous3:19 AM

    @Lauren I asked about Lauzun because his memoirs were much criticized by Antonia Fraser (Marie Antoinette: The Journey) for showing the Queen as a frivolous woman. Have you read this book?
    As for "1759" - I like the chapter about Rogers' Rangers. We know nothing about him here in Russia )). Dmitry

  10. I have just saved your list to favorites-thanks ever so much (and the books sellers will love you!)

  11. fabulous collection! recently finished Madame du Deffand and her World and will soon start re-reading Laclos, Les Liasons Dangereuse
