
Royal Weddings: 18th century style

One year ago I woke up way too early to sip champagne and watch Kate and William's Royal Wedding. As inspiring as it was, and yes I may have gone into princess mode for a week or a few.... let's take a look at all the fun happenings for Royal Weddings in the 18th century!

Marie Antoinette attends the wedding of comte d'Artois, and makes a social (yet lucky) faux pas! #gambling

Did you know Madame du Barry was swept off her feet at the royal wedding of the comte d'Artois? #itcouldhappentoanyone

Thousands of people travelled to London to see Kate and William get married, same thing happened for Louis and Marie Antoinette's royal wedding! #outsideversailles

Love this tale of how the Duchess of Lauzun and her husband met before their wedding... #deception

Always impressed with the gown Edwige Elizabeth Charlotte Holstein-Gottorp wore to her 1774 wedding. #fashion

Love and life of the Duc de Chartres and Louise Henriette de Bourbon Conti, who had a royal winter wedding. #marriage 

Before she was the Princess de Lamballe her future prince tricked her... #Princess

Marie-Louise de Parma shows off her royal wedding gown fit for the spring! #fashion

Read a little about Marie Antoinette's brother and his lady wife, Isabella of Parma. #royalfamily

My collection of images pulled from the amazing recreation of Marie Antoinette and Louis' wedding ceremony for the 2006 film, Marie Antoinette. #marieantoinette #wedding

Love this description of the Royal Wedding day at Versailles, for Marie Antoinette and Louis. From Imbert de Saint-Amand, and Elizabeth Gilbert Martin. 1893. Last years of Louis XV.  #quotes

Here is a bit about Marie Antoinette's wedding from a contemporary's point of view. #quotes

Film comparison, how Georgiana's wedding was portrayed in The Duchess and how Marie Antoinette's wedding was portrayed in Marie Antoinette. See any similarities? They were quite different affairs!

Did the Duc de Bourgogne and the Princess Adelaide of Savoy have the most lavish wedding held at Versailles?

They always say things do not always work out perfectly at a wedding, and not to get upset if things go wrong, even if it is the wedding of a dauphine and dauphin. 


  1. This post is perfection! The Ring and The Crown is an amazing book on Royal Weddings. Not as fabulous as Marie's of course.

  2. Just about everyone I know who has had a wedding says that it's now just a blur in their memories---there was so much going on, they can't remember the details.

    I can't even imagine how THESE brides felt trying to look back on the day!

  3. wonderful post and photos! this was a magical time for sure and I can imagine how wonderful for these ladies. Wonder how happy they were in that time. Enjoy your blog very much!!

  4. I'm new to your site. It's absolutely beautiful, and incredibly informative.
    I love the 18th Century! Thx!
