
A young woman drinking coffee

Louis Marin Bonnet, Bust of a young woman drinking coffee. 1774, etching and pastel. Rijksmuseum.

 An interesting way to drink your hot chocolate, 18th century style!

"'It was very hot and I poured it out in small quantities from the cup into the saucer.'
'Well my good fellow you certainly were singular in that respect; people drink coffee from a cup, no one ever thinks of pouring it into a saucer. You see, my dear Cosson, you have not said a word, or made a single movement, without a violation of the established custom.' The good professor was thunderstruck."

 Marshall, W., & co., pub. 1837. A manual of politeness, comprising the principles of etiquette, and rules of behaviour in genteel society, for persons of both sexes. Philadelphia: W. Marshall & co.


  1. Now why hadn't I thought of that?! I knew there had to be a reason we got saucers with teacups!

    If only I drank tea...

  2. LOL...I thought this post just so precious and you also have a most lovely blog. I enjoyed it so much.
    May God Bless,
    Marie Antoinette
