
Young girl listening to a conversation between two lovers

As you all are surely aware I love a genre painting, I mean who doesn't? I would fill my house with them if I could.  One artist of this style is Michel Garnier, and now a few of his paintings are going up for auction to some very lucky bidders.

Things to notice in Garnier's work:
the attention to detail regarding the fashions of the time (shoes, dress and fabrics, feathers)
the detail of the interiors (decorative objects, walls, colors etc)

Here is his "Young girl listening to a conversation between two lovers." Interested in bidding and adding this to your home decor? For an idea of value, this one is expected to fetch 100,000 -
150,000 USD  at auction this Thursday! For now, enjoy the art:

Michel Garnier, Young Girl Listening to a Conversation between Two Lovers. Private collection, CT.

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