I was recently in touch with Bianca Turetsky, the author of the Time-Traveling Fashionista Series. This book series follows 12 year old Louise Lambert who discovers she can visit different periods in history. The second book, The Time-Traveling Fashionista at the Palace of Marie Antoinette, takes Louise back to 18th century France.
This series is a really fun way to introduce the places, the people and the events that occurred in history to young readers. I enjoyed the book from cover to cover and had a few questions for Bianca. Checkout her mini-interview below and enter the giveaway now through Dec. 8th 2014.
Interview with the author!
Louise gets to experience what I know myself and countless others have only dreamed of....life at the court of Marie Antoinette! What was your favorite scene to write about (dream up)? Such as - A trip to 18th century Paris? The lavish party at Versailles? Louise discovering Petit Trianon?
BT: My favorite scene to dream up was definitely the lavish party sequence. After visiting Versailles for research (with my research assistant/grandma :) ), I couldn’t help but fantasize about what the palace would be like in full swing-- walking through the candlelit corridors, the music, decadent food, dancing, and of course the fabulous fashion. Since the reality of that ever happening to me is pretty slim, imaging it will have to do. And seeing my illustrator Sandra Suy’s gorgeous renderings of the party was almost as good! Starting with the process of picking out a dress and getting made-up before the evening would be such a treat. The tricky part was telling it from a 12-year old perspective. My character Louise was definitely not drinking any champagne, and many of these parties were all about excess...
Robe à l'Anglaise, 1770-75, Silk, metallic. The Metropolitan Museum of Art.Robe à la française, 1760-70, Silk, cotton. The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Which 18th century gown do you like the best? The Robe à l'anglaise or the Robe à la français?
Ooh I love that question, no one has ever asked me that before! I actually wish that was a decision I had to make in my real life. They are both so beautiful and special, and far superior to anything hanging in my closet that it’s hard to choose, but if I had to, I would say the Robe a la Francais. I love the fabrics, the detail, the cut, the pleats down the back.
If you had the chance to travel back to the 18th century, who would you like to be and why?
One of the main themes in my books is that there’s no place like home. Louise is constantly lost in daydreams wishing she were living in another more fabulous era, but once she’s there she realizes that life was a little more dangerous and difficult in the past, and of course she misses her iPhone. I feel the same way, the 18th century would be fun to visit, but I don’t think I’d like to stay… But I wouldn’t mind being a confidante of Marie Antoinette in the royal court, pre-revolution of course.
We love gossip here! Did you come across any interesting bits of gossip/history in your research that you loved but did not include in the book?
One thing that was really surprising and fascinating to me was that thanks to Louis XV’s love of animals (cats in particular) Versailles was like a zoo. Packs of cats, dogs, monkeys, birds basically had free reign of the palace, and I can only imagine how chaotic and filthy that would have been. I remember a detail from Antonia Fraser’s incredible Marie Antoinette book about how the monkey of one of the princesses went wild in her changing room and dressed itself up in powder and rouge to imitate her. The fully made-up monkey then ran around the dining room much to the royal court’s horror. I personally think that would have been pretty funny.
My Review
Title: The Time-Traveling Fashionista at The Palace of Marie Antoinette
Author: Bianca Turetsky
Age Range: 8+ years
Grade Level: 3 - 7
Series: The Time-Traveling Fashionista (Book 2)
Hardcover: 272 pages
Publisher: Poppy
ISBN-13: 978-0316105385
Louise Lambert is an ordinary Jr. High School student who just recently discovered a cool vintage clothing shop in town. Slipping on an old museum quality gown at the shop Louise finds herself as a member of the court of France’s most infamous queen, Marie Antoinette. This series follows Louise through the new adventure she finds herself in. I have read book #2, At The Palace of Marie Antoinette. The book stands on its own, and at no point in the story did I find myself lost or confused.
Louise finds herself visiting a mysterious vintage shop by special invitation. This is her second visit. I quickly picked up that in book one she makes her first trip to the sale and finds a lovely pink dress. I was instantly wondering what dress she would find in this book!
She believes that the dresses have the power to send her time travelling. And when she spies a dress in eh style of an 18th-century robe à la français and she knows she has to try it on. After all, styles changed so quickly in this period of history!
Louise noticed everything, her attention to detail helps her navigate the 18th century world she wakes up in. She meets a full cast of characters including the Princesse Lamballe, King Louis XVs daughter Adelaide, Louis August, Rose Bertin and Marie Antoinette.
She discovers the inner-workings of the Palace of Versailles, experiences the demanding etiquette and customs installed by the Sun King, and she gets a taste of the food and night life at Versailles. In what may be my favorite scene she gets to take a trip outside Versailles to shop in Paris. But 21st-century Louise is not sure she likes or even understands what she sees in the city streets of pre-revolutionary France.
There are some fun bumps along the way as Louise enjoys her visit and tries to help her new friends out. There is also some tension between some of the ladies and when she discovers who she is, the one and only Duchesse de Polignac, she realizes she may not be liked by all.
I suggest this book for young readers 10 and up. I thought the book was charming and was whisked away to Petit Trianon with Louise and found myself wondering what would I do in that same situation. While you and I might have a better chance of handing her situations, poor Louise hasn't yet studied the French Revolution! Stressful situations ensue. It really is an exciting adventure.
In celebration of the season and finding wonderful 18th-century inspired gifts, please enter a giveaway chance for one copy of The Time-Traveling Fashionista at the Palace of Marie Antoinette available.
How to Enter:
- Leave a comment on this post and/or use the Giveaway Widget for additional entries by 11:59 pm, Monday December 8, 2014.
Winners will be announced on Tuesday, December 9, 2014. Shipment to US addresses.
Good luck to all!
Rose Bertin...She was Marie Antoinette's dressmaker, so she was pretty rich and famous for awhile, and I think she got to keep her head!
ReplyDeleteHere was my pin URL from pinning the image to pinterest....it would not let me go back to paste it! http://www.pinterest.com/pin/23855073002430394/
ReplyDeleteGeez....as soon as I go away from the page to copy and past the URL, it switches screen on me, and will not let me go back to past it in the actual widget thing...so here is the TWEET URL: https://twitter.com/kdaze10/status/537841631446052864
ReplyDeleteI would love to meet Marie Antoinette! This book sounds so interesting!
ReplyDeleteTough to chose who I would want to be in 18th century. I know I wouldn't want to be Marie Antoinette!
ReplyDeleteI cannot wait to share this series with my nieces! The illustrations are fantastic!
ReplyDeleteOh yes they are wonderful! :)
DeleteOoh, I want this book!