The name is a mouthful...for sure. Million Dollar American Princesses is a special series by the Smithsonian Channel that looks at the lives of young American heiresses between 1870 and the outbreak of World War One. Narrated by Elizabeth McGovern, it features historical footage and reenactments to bring the stories of the young girls to life. I didn't think I would be so into the show but it has me hooked!
The show plays off the popularity of Downton Abbey in marketing because one of these American heiresses was the inspiration for Lord Grantham and Cora's relationship. It is a smart move, and excellent story.
American heiresses whose real life stories inspired the acclaimed TV drama "Downton Abbey." This series explores the time between the 1870s and the outbreak of World War One, when more than 200 daughters of America's new industrial millionaires marry into the money-strapped British aristocracy. They use their affluence, allure and ingenuity to their advantage, and they bring dramatic changes to the English ruling class and eventually the world.
There are three episodes and all three are airing tonight on the Smithsonian Channel, at 6pm EST.
Episode 1: Cash for Class (preview)
Episode 2: Wedding of the Century (preview)
Episode 3: Movers and Shakers (preview)
If you do not have access to the Smithsonian Channel, you can also purchase the episodes on Google Play, iTunes or Vudu.
Anymore shooting going on for new episodes???