Springtime Hats: Pastels, Pastels, Pastels!

Le Lever de la Reine

Check out some of the new styles of hats that hit the French runways in 1776! Which is your favorite?

Coeffure simple à la mode

La Gabrielle de Vergie

Bonnet à la Marmotte

Which hat(s) would you want to be seen in?


  1. What a coincidence I am sporting the Coeffure simple à la mode today!

  2. Alas, I cannot vote for the first and third remind me too much of the bikini tops of my youth. I know it was all the rage then, but I'm still laughing...

  3. I'm fascinated by the hats and hairstyles of this period. They seem so outrageous and over the top, and yet, during the time, to be without would have been fashion suicide.

  4. Kathleen Louise6:05 PM

    LOL nightsmusic. I was thinking they looked like fancy puffy pillows.

  5. How come Gabrielle get so little love! :)
